
Can you use a filter that was used for a frsh water tank in a slat water tank ..just curious ..cause i want to change my 55 to salt but why buy a filter if i already have one .. i have an aquaclear 500 and 300 on it ..thanks all


i have a whisper 3 and a whisper 2 on my 55 both were used when it was a freshwatter tank i just hooked them up to my ug filter for added bio filtration and i added 2 powerheads :) been over 4 years and all is still well


Active Member
actually i used a box filter to start, why not, especially if you plan to have lr and ls, we did for a while, only ot remove the cartridges anyway, theycan be nitrate factories, but once the system is established, you can remove the filters and stilll use them as pumps for added circulaiton
the key to a good sw set up is to get a good bio filter going(the lr and sand bed, plus any equipment to house the bacteria, which makes your bio filter)
thanks ... i have a 30 long with a fluval 304 which seems to be working great but i finally convinced my sweetie to turn the 55 to salt and was wondering should i just go get another fluval or can i use the aquaclears ... if i use them am i just gonna have to get something else anyway .. thanks again