

Hello, I am thinking about a 150g reef tank but i have only had FO for about 4 years now. I have never had sumps or Refugiums just a skilter and a hang on Marineland Emperor BIO-Wheel Powerfilters. I have read many things about reef filtrations and most have their own breads and butters so its hard to tell for sure whats needed for a 150g reef tank @,@ this is what i was looking at for filters,
Cyclone Bio-Filters:Bio-Bale technology maximizes oxygenation, ammonia conversion, and gas exchange for the largest surface area with the least suppression of water flow. Air and water mix as water passes over the filter media – for optimal bacteria-growing conditions even at high flow rates. Compact designs fit under most aquarium stands. Has flame polished edges, non-warping lid, Bio-Bale media, and venturi protein skimmer and powerhead. Features a bypass for constant water and air mixing for maximum skimming action. Protein skimmer/ wet/dry sump says it can filters 200g at 800 gph maximum
flow rate.
a Refugium ( not sure how to set up a home made one for 150g)
and Penguin BIO-Wheel Power Filters? or a canister filter ( canister filters i might as well be looking into a human brain @,@ don't know how to clean them or how well most work.)
any info would help and anything about maintenance on canister filters on or wet/dry filters, thank you.


i build my sump/refugium out of a 55 gallon glass aquarium. it was cheap and it adds to the overall water total and quality. it makes everything easier including water changes and top offs. i dont know what size tank will fit under your stand but i would definatly do it again if i had too. the refugium i believe is the reason that i have very little algae in my display. and i fit a big protein skimmer in their and that is probably the most important part.
here's a pic of my self built sump with auto top off refugium and protein skimmer.

oh yeah, its in another room because it wouldn't fit under my odd stand and i wanted to go big but i think it would fit under a 150 gallon stand.


well i plan on the new 150g to be 48 long the same as my now 55g tank so it might fit under the new one. but idk if i want to use the 55g only for that from now on
with LR and a protein skimmer and a refugium would you think thats all it would take to filter it o_O? If i were to make a refugium think a few 10g tanks from any pet store i could make one with the skimmer in it? One last thing @,@ what type of light would i need for a refugium?


Originally Posted by Knoll
well i plan on the new 150g to be 48 long the same as my now 55g tank so it might fit under the new one. but idk if i want to use the 55g only for that from now on
with LR and a protein skimmer and a refugium would you think thats all it would take to filter it o_O? If i were to make a refugium think a few 10g tanks from any pet store i could make one with the skimmer in it? One last thing @,@ what type of light would i need for a refugium?
thats all the filtering that you will ever need. the live rock does that naturally along with your clean up crew and the skimmer will take care of the fish poo. im really not sure what lights people recommend but i use an old fixture from my fresh water tank. some people use a "sock" that the water from the tank flows through going into the sump as a polisher which acts the same way as those cartridges from the hob filters and if you chose to run carbon you would just put a bag of it in that sock so the water would have to pass it. oh yeah, i have added much more LR in my sump since that picture and the chaeto has grown so thats not a great representation of a sump..........its too clean! lol