New Member
I want to setup an aggressive 120gallon FOWLR. So here is the list of equipment I want to use and you guys tell me what you think:
2 Fluval 404
80 lbs of LR
1"-2"of live sand
3 powerheads
and Power compact fixture with 2 55watts (no corals)
for Fish I want to get the following:
1 RED volitan lion
1 Snowflake eel
1 Clown Trigger
1 Niger trigger
The reason I am using the Fluval 404 canisters and not a wet/dry is because I hate the water splashing noise, even with modification I still can hear it at night and it annoys the hell out of me.
2 Fluval 404
80 lbs of LR
1"-2"of live sand
3 powerheads
and Power compact fixture with 2 55watts (no corals)
for Fish I want to get the following:
1 RED volitan lion
1 Snowflake eel
1 Clown Trigger
1 Niger trigger
The reason I am using the Fluval 404 canisters and not a wet/dry is because I hate the water splashing noise, even with modification I still can hear it at night and it annoys the hell out of me.