Filtration for 120G aggressive tank


New Member
I want to setup an aggressive 120gallon FOWLR. So here is the list of equipment I want to use and you guys tell me what you think:
2 Fluval 404
80 lbs of LR
1"-2"of live sand
3 powerheads
and Power compact fixture with 2 55watts (no corals)
for Fish I want to get the following:
1 RED volitan lion
1 Snowflake eel
1 Clown Trigger
1 Niger trigger
The reason I am using the Fluval 404 canisters and not a wet/dry is because I hate the water splashing noise, even with modification I still can hear it at night and it annoys the hell out of me. :cool: Thanks


In addition to what you're planning--You may want to consider a skimmer. Also like he said make the bed a little deeper if you can. Sounds good though.
As far as the triggers go--well my OPINION would be to add them last after your tank has had time to really become established then put them in at the same time, I think they'll do fine then, especially if you have lots of lr or other kinds of retreats.
Good Luck


things look good. i would also considr a kick butt skimmer, and if possible a sump. I think from your list you don't plan on having one. (hence the cannisters). Your looking at big time waste makers in the tank, and i would concern myself w/ poor water quality in a few month of meaty foods.
I would personally go for a wet/dry regardless of the splashing noise. I'm not a fan of cannister filters. They need more maintence than i care to perform. My wet/dry doesn't splash, and its easier to access, and maintain.
W/ that said the 80lbs of rock will be very helpful w/ your biofiltration.
Last point, many triggers don't make good tankmates w/ lions. They tend to go after the showy fins of the lion. The niger is safe, but i would concern myself on the clown. Great fish as juveniles, tend to be very bossy and bioterous as an adult.


I agree with the latter, let me tell you what i have in an 125 gallon tank that i reconfigured 3 months ago hopefully this would help.
1 uv sterilizer hooked up to a magnum 350
1 aqua clear 500
2 marine land bio-wheels 330 with activated carbon in one and seachem denitrate nitrate remover in the other.
3 power heads
about a half pound of live rock
about a millimeter of cc
1 artificial rock
as far as the fish in the tank
1 clown trigger juvenile
1 porcupine puffer juvenile
1 emporator juvenile
1 morray eel about 8 inches
1 black trigger
like i said before its been 3 months and everything is doing fine. Also the magnum 350 no noise besides a little nois now can save a lot of heart ache later. i do believe some one said to wait on the trigger, that is correct and you may want to hold off on the clown until the tank has been running for awhile really think about investing in the uv sterilizer and the biowheels 330 to help with the nitrite, nitrate and ammonia. well good luck and keep us posted and i'll do the same for the folks who think i am crazy. oh yeah this tank of mine has been running for a few years but running with more equipment just started taking things off the past few months.


New Member
Thanks for all the info. So with these 2 filters my water will not be clear?? I guess I will use these two filters for a little than try to build a sump/wetdry filter to be added later on. This way I will be able to spend my time trying to make it run silent. BTW, how big of a sump should I use? I am thinking something like a 30 gallon sump?