Filtration for 75 FO?


I want to have a 75 gal FO with a 30 gal sump? If I have a 2"-3" sand bed in the 75 and a 5"-6" sand bed in the sump what other filtration would I need? How much LR should I use?


Active Member
my opinion would be 100 lbs +or- of lr in the tank and 15+or- in the sump and no, nothing else except good circulation and a protein skimmer that is the only filtration you should need


Active Member
That all depends on what you plan to keep in this tank. If a true FO tank then ....
What type of fish ?
How many ?
I agree with fshhub, and would like to add that to say a DSB, live rock and a protein skimmer is all the filtration one needs without first knowing what and how many fish will be in the 75 gallon tank - is a bit premature, although it will probably be more than enough for most folks.


Below is some of the fish I was considering.
I'm not sure exactly which I am going to choose. Any other fish that you would suggest? What combo of the fish below would you use? I would like to add a clean up crew too.
Lemon Goby
Royal Gramma
Six-line Wrasse
Purple Firefish
Coral Beauty
Flame Angelfish
Tomato Clown
Green Chromis


Active Member
sorry broomer, but i was assuming since he had asked about lr his intent was FOWLR or REEF, plus i like the natural biofiltration and have had good luck with it, and i think that vs. many other types of filters out there, the dsb and lr are compatible in price(maybe a little more, or less than wet dry or a GOOD canister) if done to start with; and a good biofilter is IMO the most effecient (after it has been established)
as for the fish,
one note that i will add is to be careful mixing angels, and teh selection does look nice and posssible, but this will be easier answered with how many of each too
clowns and ff seem to do better in pairs, and green chromis like small schools
me, i would ditch the flame all together
get a pair of ff,
3 to 5 green chromi,
a pair of false percula clowns (or a tomato),
forget the royal gramma(may be a little too aggressive for the ff) same for the six line,
not sure about the goby(never heard of a lemon)
and add the cb angel, you may even be able to add a couple other species to the mix, but you have a mix of aggressive and shy fish listed, and one or the other would be best


If I went with
2 Purple Firefish
5 Green Chromi
2 false percula clowns
1 Coral Beauty
What other fish would you suggest? Which are the aggressive ones?


Active Member
beautiful, maybe a scooter blenny or an algae blenny, but that would be it, and please stock slow and add the the cb last
maybe some snails and a pair of cleaner shrimp for cleaning and variety


Active Member
for lighting, i like the pc flos at 10000k, for a fish only, it really shows off their color IMO, and if it were going to be a reef, that would entirely depend on what corals and inverts you intend to keep
but for cost and lighting, i do like th pc's mentioned, and mh's may be a problem for a 75
with heat
and for snails, we have 2 turbos and 4 trochus and an algae blenny, they do a good job(not quite perfect, but very good), but i thindk we are going to add a couple more trochus for even better, and we also hav e @ 10 nassarius snails and a detrivore kit for the detritus
if you do g with a detrivore kit, add tehm first and wait @ 2 to 3 weeks before adding the fish(except maybe a strict algaevore for algae), other wise they may get eaten before they can establish themselve


Active Member
i go tmine at the lfs, they can get the units, tehn sell the bulbs, if they cn't get what you request by order