Filtration help in 55!!!


Hey all i am looking to get a better filtration set up.
currently i have the cpr bak pak 2 hangin in my 55. I would like to get a better protien skimmer like the seaclone.
any suggestions or ideas would be glady appreciated.
i am going to be slowly adding in 50 lbs or lr in the next few months and need to stay on top of things.
also any ideas on filtering better than the cpr


Active Member
The Seaclone is a HUGE step backwards!! The CPR is a far better skimmer. IMO, the CPR is a good skimmer for the price. I have one in one of my breeder tank setups and am very happy with it.
If you really do want to upgrade, the AquaC line is a good way to go. Euro Reef is also a good brand.
Adding LR will definately increase your biofiltration.


Spend a little more money and go with an AquaC Remora skimmer. I have tried the Seaclone and imo it was terrible. I have nothing but good things to say about my Aquac Remora. It pulls tons of gunk out, it is easy to use,easy to adjust and clean. All I have now in my tank (55gal and 20gal sump) is about 75 pounds of live rock and my skimmer and water conditions are great. Now, I only have a small bioload (3 green chromis, green mandarin cb shrimp and assorted snails and crabs) but before I got the AquaC I could not get Nitrates below 60 to 80. Now it is not even registering on the scale. Just my $.02.