filtration question


New Member
At the moment I am in the process of setting up a 240G reef tank.As filtration I will have sufficient amount of live rock, live sand and skimming.The problem I have is that I cant find a single store (online too) that sells macro algae in Australia which is why planning to use in a refugium .
so if i cant get my hands on some algae what should I use instead ?
what I have seen a number of people do who have large FOWLR tanks in australia is to cramp as much LR as possible into their sump , this seems to work but I have not seen this done on a reef tank.
so what should i use in place of macro algae ?


New Member
I forgot to ask , how many inches of live sand should I place in my DT and my refugium ? and can LS be placed under LR ?


Active Member
look into algae scrubbers instead of macro.personally i dont buy live sand .aragonite sand will grow bacteria soon enough.but thats an ongoing debate.