Filtration Questions


ok here we go.......what filtration can i use in my 30 gallon tank...
i sump setup is outa the question since no one up here will drill and cut tanks...dont know why but i cant find anyone that will....
i currently have a dual flow marinetech backpack filter on my 30 gallon.
can i run and uder gravel filter as well? to help keep the substrate clean.
just wondering


Active Member
Definitely skip the under gravel filter they don't clean the substrate they actually pull all of the dietrus into the substrate and then it rots causing nitrate problems.
What type of substrate do you have?
Nassarius snails and other sand shifters work well for keeping the substrate stirred up and clean.
You can use a HOB overflow or drill your own tank and set up a sump system which IMO is the best route to go. For the HOB overflow as long as you buy a properly sized pump and keep up with your routine maintenance it will work well without worries of a flood.
Also you should have enough flow in your tank and across your substrate to keep dietrus from settling on the substrate.


not drilling my own tank......if something goes wrong im screwed......and no one here will drill a tank.....none of the LFS could even recomend anyone...
i looked at a HOB overflow today at the LFS for 85.00 bucks....seems alil high to me.......but im still new at this hobby..
i have a 7 man CUC in my tank now.....4 hermits,turbo snail(only thing i could find here), skunk shrimp,CBS, and a scooter blenny......
my substrate is a finely crushed coral and sand mix........i think its mostly coral...dont see much sand in there.......
i was just asking if they are worth anything in a salt....ive always had them in my fresh tanks and nice clean gravel in there......didnt know if they would work on a salt tank.......


Active Member
You can order an overflowbox online about $50 shipped that would work for your tank. Need to add to your cleanup crew too see if you can find some nassarious snails, and astrea snails probably a half dozen of each would be a good start.
The biggest problem with undergravel filters in both freshwater and saltwater tanks is keeping them clean they pull all of the dietrus into the gravel where nothing can get to it to break it down and it will start to rot releasing nitrates back into the water. They work on freshwater because you are only keeping fish and freshwater fish can handle a high level of nitrates without a problem they would work for a saltwater tank with only fish also, but several species of saltwater fish are fairly sensitive to nitrates. They key to using them is vaccuming them out often. In a saltwater tank there are much better alternatives that don't require near the maintence.


Originally Posted by natclanwy
You can order an overflowbox online about $50 shipped that would work for your tank. Need to add to your cleanup crew too see if you can find some nassarious snails, and astrea snails probably a half dozen of each would be a good start.
The biggest problem with undergravel filters in both freshwater and saltwater tanks is keeping them clean they pull all of the dietrus into the gravel where nothing can get to it to break it down and it will start to rot releasing nitrates back into the water. They work on freshwater because you are only keeping fish and freshwater fish can handle a high level of nitrates without a problem they would work for a saltwater tank with only fish also, but several species of saltwater fish are fairly sensitive to nitrates. They key to using them is vaccuming them out often. In a saltwater tank there are much better alternatives that don't require near the maintence.
thanks for that info........snails wouldnt over populate my tank if i have that many? i hate looking into tanks and seeing dozens of snails....mostly only see that in fresh tanks not sure about salt.......
the only fish gona be in this tank is damsels..,,i have a lil 10 gallon im gona setup for the daughter....she wants a "NEMO" tank.....


Active Member
The nassarius snails will spend most of their time buried in the substrate so all you should see is the astrea snails and occasionally the nassarius when they come up for food and neither generally reproduce in your tank so no worries about them breeding and taking over.