Filtration Setup


Hello form,

Nice forum community.


I am planning on setting up a 90 gallon SWT. 1 Volitanlionfish, and 1 Leather or other coral. Sand substrate andlive rock. Perhaps 1-2 Black Sea Urchins (stil undetermined about the urchins).

I am considering a Marineland C220 Canister Filter, and alternatively a Protein skimmer. I would like feedback on if askimmer is necessary for a single-fish aquarium setup as mine.

My thoughts are a) I'm aware of the beneficial advantages of the Skimmer over the Canister in terms of actual (removal) of pre-cursor waste matter that produce Ammonia and subsequent nitrite and nitrate. (But the Skimmer is a little pricey for me).I understand the canister offers a great systems also with three-phase filtering, but does not actually remove the waste matter as efficiently as Skimmer.

For a single Lion (Leather) can I get away with just the Canister?


Active Member
Are you positive your only going to want a lionfish? They aren't very interesting they sit around most of the time unless your feeding them. So I'd plan my filtration around having multiple fish just incase you find your tank empty with just the lion.


Good point mauler. I'm sure I'll just want the lion fish. The tank is being setup as a lion display tank only. Other than some leather coral or urchins. I will be setting up a separate 125 or larger as a multiple fish display. The 90's just for the lion. The volitans spend quite a bit of time in open water compared to other species they are the most active even during the day.

Interesting jay that you suggest just a HOB, any particular reason. Lions are pretty messy being carnivores (although its just the 1 fish in the tank), seems at least a canister would be better for 90g?


Well-Known Member
I like them bc they will remove large particles from the tank. Yet are easier to clean than a canister


Yes-- I see your point. Closest thing to actual particle (removal) if you had to choose between it and canister on basis of actual waste removal. Only comparable difference between them otherwise is the three part filtering advantage of the canister.

You know, I've been thinking about keeping a small charcoal filter inside so that during filtering disruptions such as cleanings it would reduce the likelihood of nitrite spikes. What about a small HOB and Canister combo?

1) catch large particles
2) little control during small disruptions
3) 3-medium advantage of canister filter, and it process large amts of water at one time.



Well-Known Member
U cant over filter lol. Charcoal in sw is a weird topic. Some say its useless others like it


I'm thinking I'll try the canister alone, watch my numbers and see if anything else is needed. If it isn't broken otherwise, just leave it alone. It's just one fish.


Yes, I'm familiar with the dwarfs. Now talk about uninteresting! They're rocks compared to their larger cousins P. Volitans. I do like them though, nice looking fish and interesting still to watch-- one would make a nice companion for the Volitan if I decided. They're not as hardy as the P. Vol's. Feeding a little more challenging for them at least at first. Zebra/Hawaiian dwarfs are my favorites.
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Well-Known Member
I had a zebra back in the day lol. Feeding is tough, I could never get him to eat more than live ghost shrimp. He would grab frozen krill, or fish rt out of my hand but just spit it out.


Well-Known Member
I even hand fed him the shrimp. One shrimp then a krill, out came the krill lol never bothered my fish tho


The dwarfs are great though. I wouldn't mind having one. I've just always wanted to have a centerpiece Volitan lionfish display. Such a nice display when its done right. Im going to try some blue banded crabs with lion see if they survive.


Well-Known Member
There use to be a forum member saxman. He was a lion expert. I believe large hermits , snails can be kept w them.


Thats what my research suggests. Lions aren't aggressive just food opportunist. So if it fits their mouth (thank you lord for this meal!) Lol. I think they'll be ok. Have you seen the blue banded crabs? Absolutely beautiful.