Filtration upgrade in an Aquapod 24?


Well I am sure you have all seen my 24 aquapod....And I recently ordered a MH fixture from sunpod for it, the 20in with 150 watts in a 14k bulb which is my favorite spectrum.
My goal is to make it mostly a clam garden tank, with a variety of species since I'm not the biggest fish lover. I am most fond of clams and mushrooms.
Anyway I would also like to prep it in case I desired to do some small SPS corals in it.
I have already replaced the crappy main pump that ran it with a Rio 1200 as I recall, it also has a Rio 120 that is beneath the main rock in the tank circulating water outward towards the front.

In the filtration I have opened up all the vents on the right hand side so the maximum water flows through and those are cleaned weekly in fresh salt water. I also have a filter pad to take out most anything (phos, nitri,nitra) though I haven't had a problem since using RO/DI water. I also run activated carbon, with the few bioballs that came with it. I have a mini skimmer that does more harm than good and was removed after the first few weeks.
The tank is mature enough to have massive circular corallines growing on the back walls and glass as well as on the rocks, including healthy enough to have a clam grow nearly an inch in six months.
My question is I guess, can I put in rubble lr to help with the filtration? Or is there anything else I can do? I was thinking filling the rear chambers with LR would be good to increase stability of the tank chemically speaking, or should I just add more bioballs?


Adding LR rubble can only help your tank. You can also run filter floss in the second compartment to remove some bigger stuff. I run a bag of carbon and Chemi-pure in the back of my bio-cube.


and as in the second compartment do you mean where the pump would be?? and i want to replace the pump with a bigger one any ideas??


Some things ON the live rock need light, but the rock itself does not to have good bacteria. I am talking about the middle area that is next to the big blue sponges. You cant really add too much to the filter compartment because it will get sucked up against the intake, something I learned when my last pump over heated because it was smothered by my carbon bag.
I used a Rio to replace the tiny pump it comes with...MAN do I have flow now!