

on my aquapod 12 im taking out the ceramic rings and the bioballs so that the nitrate doesnt build up. there are 4 compartments in the filtration system. the first has a blue sponge in it. i let the sponge there. the second had ceramic rings and carbon in it . i took out the ceramic rings but i left the carbon. the third compartment has bio balls. i took them out. i will place l/r in place of the bioballs and i will place l/r on top of the bag of carbon.(fourth chamber is the pump). is this all correct??????


everyones going to tell you something different. I went with no carbon, I did use the ceramic tubes and the bioballs. IMHO and from what Ive read: bioballs are just as good as lr, lots of people swear by lr and Im sure it works great but its an unnecessary expense. your going to be putting tons of cash in to your new hobby and Id rather have that cash be utilized up front where you can see it rather than in the filter casing doing just as good (maybe a little better) job of filtering than the included bioballs would. but to each his own.