

I just recently switched my tank over to an all in one 20 gal. set-up.
My question is: There are 4 chambers in the back of the tank for sponge, bio balls, carbon and the tube like pieces. Right now I have the sponge in the first one, bio-balls in the next and the last two are empty. I was told to put the carbon in a sock and the other in a sock. Should I use these? Should I replace the bioballs with live rock rubble? How do I go about putting the other two in a sock if I use them? Is there a certain order they should all be in back there?

Thanks for your help!

aztec reef

Active Member
i would just is the carbon, and maybe leave the sponge (i wouldn't)if you do you got to remenber to keep those clean. the other parts leave empty or you can put a little of lr/rubble. how much lr ? do you have a sandbed?are you doing reef? fish only?

aztec reef

Active Member
i forgat that you just transfered it .i meant to ask do you have a skimmer? if yes then just go ahead and use the carbon for a week check your parameters.if everything is cool remove the carbon and check your parameters that week.if everything is still looks cool then your set.