

Ok guys I need some good advice here...
from what i have below it seems that i might need a different kind of filtration my filters are not doing what i want them to do contrary to what my lfs told me when i brought the setup my water quality is good but because of the diotoms it looks like its dusty....i need to know what and how can i get my water to look clear...i have a glass tank so i cant and dont want to drill holes in it...what do u guys think i should do i want my tank to be the least maintence as possible and have clear lfs told me when i first brought the tank that i would never have to do a water change just add water because the water will evaporate..( this is before i found out about this board)..some how i dont see that as being truthful..what do u guys think? it normal to have all those diatoms in there i mean there are alot of them my tank looks dirty like if its full of dust and now i have brown alge growing on the walls of the tank. <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


Hello there! How long ago did you start up your tank? 3/26? My tank had the diatom problem too, but as it matured a little more, it seemed to dispurse. I also began using a DI unit for my water. Do you use Tap? I noticed a huge change in my water quality when I switched. If it continues after a while, you could try "Chemi-Clean" by BOYD. It is safe for inverts and live rock, just make sure to do a water change after usage. I hope this could help a little! I know your frustration, you try so hard for the thank to look great, and the diatoms really junk it up...


I am not sure I read that right but has your tank only been set up since 3/26/02? How did you cycle your tank? You have way to many fish in that tank for only being setup for less then a month. As for your filters they will work, get yourself some go carbon, and take the stuff they sold you for the two fluvals out and put the good carbon in. You will have to keep up on the cleanning of the canister filters they can cause a problem down the road, if you don't. You might also want to get some phosguard or another phosphate removal product, and useing di water will help alot with the diotom break out. Good Luck


yeah the lfs when they set it up used different carbon then what it cam with like chimi-pure and some other things like that as far as the lenth of time i cycled my tank with 4 pieces of shrimp...and once the shrimp dis appeared i started to add the fish so far my water quality is great...just the diatom thing and yes i do use tap u think if i use filterd water it will clear up the diatoms?


I would really consider switching to Ro or Di units. I live in an apartment and a Ro unit was really not conceivable for me, so I got the Aquarium Pharm. Tap Water Purifier. It doesn't waste any water and gets rid of almost everything! I have no diatom problems since I started using it. Hope this helped


New Member
Hey Rane,
If you are having a problem with cloudy water a simple solution is to use a polishing filter. One filter which works well and will create a sparkling clear aquarium in less than 4 hours is a Diatomagic Filter. This uses a diatom earth powder which will polish and create crystal clear water. As for using it on a reef tank I have used it before on my tank with no adverse affects. I have a wide variety of corals from sps corals to mushrooms. None of my livestock has ever shown any ill affect. I also use this method on my shark pond on a monthly basis to clear the water of excess proteins form the squid they are fed.


The diatomagic is awesome for these types of applications--a good quick fix. Not to be used as a Normal filter though--you can't let it run permanently. (just thought I'd clarify) If you continue to have this after each water change--then I would consider switching water supplies.
Funny he told you you'd never have to do water changes--then sold you the highest maintainance fish around. It is possible for some to go without changes (VERY few actually do this successfully). Your tank and fish will require many water changes, I'm afraid. You do have great filtration set-up though should be more than adequate--but remember to take care of those fluvals so they don't end up doing more harm than good.
Your tank is VERY young and unstable---monitor it often (test water).
As far as the brown algae on the glass I would think some of those creatures would be helping you out with that--slackers. If they don't get their shi7 together, I guess you'll have to feed them to that eel and clean it yourself.
Is this your first tank???
Sorry you were mislead as far as this being a trouble free hobby. Some tanks require more than others but yours is one that will require a little more because of the fish you chose.
That aq. phar, tap water purifier--it will take you a month to get the water needed for a change on a 155.
Good Luck