

New Member
Ok, here's another dumb question. I'm still new to the whole salt water aquarium hobby. I have a 20 gallon tank (I know, it's small. But if this one works there may be a bigger tank in my future) I have a feeling that the filter that I was sold for it may be insufficient (I think it would be a good filter for a fresh water tank about the same size as mine). Do salt water tanks need much more filtration than fresh water? What are the best types of filters and can anybody recomend any good brands? Along the same lines, what are some of the better water heaters on the market?
Thanks! =o)

mr . salty

Active Member
To sufficiantly filter a marine tank you need three things. #1-mechanical filteration.Most any filter will perform this job.The main thing is,does it move enough water to filter your tanks water about five or more times per hour. #2 biological filteration,This is done by all the micro organisms that will be living in your substrate,live rock,and even the filter material. These organisms are developed during the cycling prosess. The third is also taken care of by these little bugs.It's chemical filteration. What kind of filter were you sold???????? As far as heaters go,you want one that is #1- totally submersable,and#2-about halph the reccomended power for your tanks size. You should have two of these in case one malfunctions it doesnt have enough power to cook your fish. A good heater is EBO JAGER. As far as what kind of filter, I would reccomend something simple,like a whisper, or a Skilter. You will also need to get a protien skimmer to remove the protien in the water caused by fish poop and other waste.....Hope that wasn't too much...STEVE
[This message has been edited by MR . SALTY (edited 08-05-2000).]


New Member
Thanks for the help. I was sold a Duetto Multi-Filter. It's nice because it fits inside the tanks and is self contained. But I want to make sure that it does a sufficient job of filtering my tank. Is it possible to over-filter a tank or should I just get the largest filter that I'm willing to pay for (and can fit in my tank)? What do you think of the Penguin Bio-Wheel Filters?
As for protein skimmers I have no idea what kind to get. I've heard that if you get one that's too much for your tank size it could be harmful. What do you recomend?
As for heaters, I just want to make sure that I understand what I should get. Should I get two heaters that are each powerful enough for a tank half the size of my tank?
Thanks again!

mr . salty

Active Member
As for heaters. If it malfunctions,say it sticks in the "ON" possition.In no time at all your fish will cook. So you want one that is underpowered. This will give you time to catch it before it becomes a problem.Especially with a small tank. You probably dont even need one untill winter. Unless you keep your house below 70deg all the time. The tank should remain "room temp".I've never heard of the filter you got.Personally I would prefer a hang on style myself.With your tank,you dont have a whole lot of extra room inside of the tank.LESS ROOM FOR YOUR FISH. For your skimmer,Thats why I reccomended the SKILTER filter.It has a built in skimmer.The model 250 will be enough......STEVE


The penguin bio-wheels are good quiet efficient filters--but only if you get the one with extra compartments in back for additional media which is larger than you need. Otherwise my vote is for a canister--the fluval line is exceptional and wont be as obtrusive in your tank as the others. Unless you are planning a reef the skimmer is helpful but not essential.
Good Question about the over filtering- I don't know, but I wouldn't think so.