
Ok I need some help! I have a Coral Beauty angel that has been healthy for 6 mo until this week. I noticed his pectoral fins were frayed yesterday, and they are worse today. I'm pretty sure the protocol is, quarrantine tank with antibiotic, anyone give me more advice?
PS the other fish, Ocellaris clown and 6 line wrasse are fine, no symptoms at all.
Any help would be appreciated!!!!:help:


Heres some info:
55 gal+ 10gallon sump
50+ lbs live rock
Tank is 5 yrs old
1 Coral Beauty
1 Ocellaris Clown
1 Six Line Wrasse
Corals: Colt, Pulsing Xenia, Green Star Polyps, Yellow Polyps, Assorted Mushrooms, Toadstool, Cabbage Coral, all healthy and growing.
Inverts: Cleaner Shrimp, Arrow Crab.
Salinity, pH, and other chemicals are all normal.
First problem in over a year, aside from a suicidal tang... (he jumped.)


Staff member
Nyyanks514, are you certain the fins are "frayed" and not chewed by another fish? Have you added any other fish recently? What does the fish look like aside from this problem? Eating and breathing normal? Swimming as usual?
What do you feed your fish?


The best way to describe them is frayed; they seem to be separating from the edge in. I suppose its possible one of the other fish are picking on him, but the three have been together for about 4 months without a problem, no new additions since he was added. So far the fish is swimming normal, breathing seems fine too. The only fins affected are the pectorals, all the others are unaffected.The only other symptoms are what look like some missing scales, probably 10 or so scattered on his body.
He is still eating too, just fed them some spirullina flakes, and I also watched him pick at the LR tonite too. The fish get a mix of spirullina flakes, "formula one" flakes, frozen brine and mysis shrimp, although none of them are particularly fond of the mysis for some reason.
Hope this helps, thanks for the quick reply Beth!


Staff member
Ok, frayed looks like irregular or even stringy fins. Perhaps you are seeing worn fins. They seem to be wasting away, or eroding? Fin spikes are sticking out? Does that describe it, or are they really "frayed" as I described above?


It looks like the fins are losing the "webbing" in between what i would guess are the bones in the fin, so i guess like you said, the fin spikes are sticking out. Each day the fins have gotten worse. I also noticed today one eye looked cloudy. Sorry i dont have a picture, descibing exactly what they look like is frustrating.


Staff member
This is a symptom of malnutrition and poor environment. What are you feeding the fish? Is the fish actually getting enough to eat? What is your feeding schedule? When you do feed, does this fish get his fair shake of the food?
What are your your water readings, and what type tank do you have set up?