Fin Rot/Ich Help?


I was treating my 55g tank for ich with Rid-ich as directed(2nd time). I was in my 4th day of treatment when I noticed fin rot on my two yellow tailed damsels and on the two clowns...though not as bad on the two clowns. One three striped damsel not showing any signs-NONE. I read it can be due to poor water quality when the fish are stressed. I was also just beginning to do Hypo when this happenned as I was not sure the Rid-ich was working. I had previously had ich, treated with Rid-ich, though did not truely follow directions and it reappeared more severely. Thus I thought I would do the treatment as directed but I was not noticing the fish getting any better like they did the first time which I thought may be due to the severity of this outbreak. I am now at the proper Hypo level 1.009. Began filtering the water with the protein skimmer and carbon filter to get rid of the Rid-ich and try to get the water qaulity up as quickly as possible.
One yellow tailed damsel died yesterday. He went down hill really quick. Everyone else seems relatively ok, however I am worried about the other yellow tailed as his fins look terrible. Will I have to treat and with what or will it go away now that the water quality is back up?
Please help...first for this. I just won the battle with diatoms. Now I feel I am losing the battle with disease!


Staff member
Just proceed with hypo for now. Is the fish eating? Including the fish with the deteroiated tail? Make sure you offer the fish the best quality food you can right now. This can go a long way to regenerate fin tissue. Uses Zoncon as a supplement on the food.
If you don't see improvement, then you can begin an antibiotic treatment using Maracyn Two for SW fish.


The three stripe damsel is still showing no signs of anything. He is eating as well as one of the clowns who is showing some signs of improvement.
One clown and two yellow tailed damsels are now deceased.
Continuing hypo and beginning Maracyn Plus treatment.
Hope it works.