Final fish to finish off aquarium - need suggestions!


Ok, I need some suggestions for my 90 gal. reef tank. It is well established (over two years, I've taken my time) and the corals are thriving, but I am looking for one or maybe two final fish to complete my display. Something outgoing and colorful, reef safe, and with personality! so bring on the suggestions!
Current fish:
Royal Gramma
Six line wrasse
False Perc Clownfish
Flame Angel
Kole Tang
Watchman Goby
Neon Goby
Longfin Sleeper Goby
3 - Green Chromis
Thanks in advance!


Why not a another clown fish? Or maybe 2 firefish gobies?
How is the flame angel doing? Does he mess with anything?


I love fireffish, I've just not had the best of luck with them over the years because they are such jumpers. Even with covers on the tank it has seemed they've always managed to find a way out! The flame angel has actually done quite well, he's the 3rd one I've had over the years and has by far survived the longest and had the best temperment of any of them. I love this guy and he's been in the tank almost two years now. He's never bothered corals, gets along well with everyone and is very friendly. When I walk up to the tank he's usually one of the first ones there to meet me and eats out of my hand.