Finally...a fish


Thanks for all the help here on the board. I got to add my false perc last night to the cycled tank. I acclimated him according to the method and everything went well. He actually ate last night about 2 hours after introduction. I am still learning about how much to feed, but trying to err on the side of not overfeeding.
He seems to be exploring different parts of the tank and hanging out in one spot for quite a while. The only fear I saw from him was when I turned on the lights for the first time this morning, he hid behind the rocks. The lights are set to be on from 3 to 11, so I think he'll come out once he sees it won't hurt him. One question, if he is in hiding this afternoon, should I still drop food into him?


Hey, Congrats on your new is totally normal for you fish to hide for the first couple of days, simply because they are still in a bit of is definitely positive that he is eating. If he is hiding still feed will almost always bring him out.
Again congratulations, you have embarked on a great hobby :)


Active Member
After he learns that you are coming to the tank with food the little guy will go crazy. They will even take food from your hand once they are comfortable with there new home.


OK, one more question I've gotten differing opinions on at this point. Do I need to turn off the powerheads during feeding time? I did last night, but a lot of food still seems to move around and not get eaten, which is the right idea?
Can't wait to get home today to see the little guy!


I never turn of my powerhead when feeding, just make sure that you don't put the food in a spot that will make it get blown around everywhere.
As far as food getting left over, it sounds like your overfeeding a little just give small amounts every couple minutes until he loses interest.

class clown

I used to turn off my powerhead until I realized that the powerhead would make them eat more. I noticed that after they would start losing interest in feeding (the angel would stop eating completely), if I turned on the powerhead and blew the remaining food around the tank, the fish would sprint back to life and dart after the moving flakes again. Now I leave them on and feed the fish small portions at a time to make sure everything gets eaten before settling on the bottom/rocks/filter. Before I was worried that the angel wasn't eating enough; now he eats like a pig.


I tried it with the powerhead on last night and he was all over the place eating. I decided to switch to two small meals a day, but he didn't really take any food this morning (just one piece that I saw), got me a little worried. I try to put in enough so that he eats for 2-3 minutes at a time.
One question, if he refuses food this evening, is he in trouble? He's very active, but every once in a while, when I'm in the room, he tends to hang out right at the top of the tank. Then he'll go back to swimming. I'm just a nervous new owner. Which is a better indicator of health, eating, or activity?

fish fry

Hey Kevin,
A couple things, Feeding enough for 2-3 minutes seems like a lot. Usually when I feed the food is gone in about 30 seconds. You are correct in feeding 2 small meals.
Unless I have some slower eaters or bottom feeders, in which case I put a little extra food in and stir it around so it sinks. This is the only time the food will be in there for more than a minute.
Don't worry if he refuses food, especially while he is still new. Give him some time, he WON'T starve.
As far as staying in one area, my clownfish did the same thing. They way the tank was in my room the flow of traffic would always past one side. This is where the clownfish hung out, I guess he like to see what was going on in the room. Remember they are a little territorial.
Hope this helps
Best indicator of health, besides making sure yor water quality is good. hmmmm tough one. I'd say eating, but only once they are established in the tank.


Thanks for the info. I have been religious with the water testing and everything has been great. I want this to be a reef tank eventually, so all that is in line.
I'll probably lower the feeding amount and see how he does.


I just want to take a minute and commend you for asking questions and wanting to make things right in your aquarium. Its nice to see that you are concerned that you are doing the right thing. Its really nice to see someone taking the time and interest to learn how to do things right.
Congrats on your interest and devotion.


That's an awfully nice thing to say, the information I have gotten here has been invaluable in the setup and running of the tank. I'm a bit of a worry-wart, so it's good to get advice on things like this.
Thanks again,


New Member
Just a side note so you do not panic, we have to false percs and they sleep at the top of the tank floating on their sides. We were worried at first but they have been doing it for 6 months now with now problems and are happy as clams all day. Good luck with your tank. :eek: