it is a 46gal bow front all glass aquarium.
i have a 30w 20,000k phillips polo light
2X55w pc coral life 10,000k bulbs
I have a aqua clear 300, lifeguard fluidized bed filter, seaclone 100.
100lbs of premium figi live rock.
colt coral
torch coral,
devils hand
umbrella leather
purple mushroom, red mushroom, hairy mushroom, green mushrooms
green star polyp, brn star polyp
yello finger leather that is shriveled up in picture
2 clowns
1 blue regal tang
1 royal gramma
1 six line wrasse
1 slider goby
2 green chromis
1 cleaner shrimp
5 blue hermit
6 turbo snails.
i have 75lbs, of aragonite substrate..
i think thats it. I use seachem products