Finally..a shot of the babies.



sherree, can you tell me a bit about your tank? I am going to try and raise some horses, and need all the advice I can get. My tank is a 55 gallon, soon to be coral w/ seahorses. Thanks again for the pics :)


I wouldnt recommend a 55gal for seahorses. True, the more space they have the better, BUT when feeding them you want the food easy to find and a tank that large will only make eating such a task for them. My horses are dwarves and in a 5 & 1/2 gal tank.This way,,when I feed, the shrimps are right there for them to snap up.
I have an outside filter on the tank I ONLY run when there are no brine shrimp visible in the tank.Also,, the intake on the pump I have covered with a piece of netting to keep the horses safe. Then I only run the pump a couple hours to circulate water. I run an airstone very low at all times for circulation also. Then when its time to feed, I turn off the pump and add the brine and leave the pump off till all the brine has been eaten.
I keep a heater running with temp @ 78-80...water as clean as possible. Changeing the water(1/2) is a must, every week ,as the brine molt ,the molts rot and contaminte the water.
The larger horses will eat ghost shrimp and mysis but the dwarves can only eat newly hatched brine.
Be very carefull not to add any LR that has even the smallest aiptasia or any other kind of anemone cuz a horse will wrap his tail around anything he can hold onto......and not be able to get free.Any type of crab will also grab a horse and eat it.
Live rock with sponges are ok..nothing should be in the tank that can harm the horses.
Species only,,means just that. Of course copepods are ok..spaggetti worms havent been a problem...or bristleworms(small)..
Best thing to do is search for websites that are informative and READDDDDDDDDDDDDD....theres no such thing as too much info.
I hope this has helped you..but make sure youre ready for the attention they require.
Not so much "time consuming",,but consistant attention, on a regular basis.
Good luck if you decide to become a rancher:D