Yep the whole brood was like that with both sets of the guys breeders. He also breeds out Bangaii but right now they are only about the size a pea so I figured I would wait awhile on those. :joy:
He breeds them right in one of the stores display tanks with the adults hosting with some kind of coral. Sorry to be so vague but I am not quite up on my corals well enough yet dot identify just by looking. Vary cool to watch and appears to be a dam sight more complicated than any thing I did during my cichlid breeding days.
Breeding tank is only 30g and fully stocked coral display in it. I have no idea how he removes the fry. I do know he has an ample supply of rotifers to feed them and sell to other breeders. With that in mind who knows. Maybe the breeding bug will hit me again and I will give it a try.