Finally first coral..


Active Member
i finally got my first coral after running my tank for two months..corals look pretty happy to me..i got the gsp first then the next day i went back to the lfs and got the green zoo and mushroom sux..i need a better camera...i'll take another full tank shot after both corals open up nice..



Active Member
Very nice looks good. I like the LR placment too. Nice RIC's they are soo hard to find around here. Im on the hunt for some all the time. Keep it up. And post more pics when you can.


Active Member
thanks for the comments lfs has i think 5 or 6 ric's but they are very small.mine is the size of a quarter. but i like it tho.. just moved my 24g into my room to make space for my new 90g in my living room..well here some pics after the move of the 24g...corals starting to open agian finally..



Active Member
Cool, I actually love my gsp's for some reason they just look incredible in my tank. I think it would be cool to see it spread all over the back of my tank, like grass on a wall. I got a pic on my thread of a corner of them with just the acentics on and they look radioactive. What color Rics are those?


Active Member
my ric is orange but my camera sux. so it doesn;t pick up all the colors of my tank. the corals do look amazing with just the actinics on..i need to get like a digital rebel or something...


Active Member
thanks for the comments ....its been up for two and a half months i think...gonna go to the lfs tomorrow and get some more corals if i see any i like..

mpls man

Active Member
looks good, like the rock work, you may want to move the rock on the left side, maybe hard to clean the side. otherwise nice


Active Member
okay i have a problem with copodes all over my gsp's..i think they are preventing the gsp's to fully open as i see the pods making them close as they chase eachother...i have a LOT of pods in my tank..should i buy a scooter blenny....when i say a LOT i mean a LOOOOOOOT of pods. Plus i have only two true percs as i need another fish in there to liven it up a bit..