Finally got a good of the tank


Active Member
All of the corals look awesome, may I ask what your lighting setup is? The tank looks very tall! Awesome!


Active Member
Tank is 75g tall, (36"t) I've always liked the display or tall tanks and they can be a pain with reef setup. I'm running 250mh and 2x96 actinics. My plans are to make the 75t a FOWLR and move everything over to the new 180. I've got 200lbs of LR curing in 2 tubs and it's stinking up the whole house, almost thought it was divorce time over the stench :mad: I'm actually thinking about a 180tall tank, cost is just stupid but they look awesome


Active Member
That tub is bowing pretty bad. If that tub breaks and spills onto the carpet your wife might still think it's divorse time.


Active Member
Do you know how hard it is to find those shallow kiddy pools, I drove all over town, every freakin Walllmart and Target and nobody had kiddy pools, it was almost like a Stephen King movie, I was obsessed with finding this stupid pool and became a madman during the process. It's Las Vegas (HOT) and you'd think they would have them, Finally bought one of those Koi pond, plastic things from HomeDepot, it's in the garage, switching everything over tonight


Active Member
Are your percula's wild or tank raised. I have 2 tank raised ones that don't even seem interested in my bubble tip!!
Great tank.


could you post all your fish u have. thanks nice tank. love the leather


Active Member
6line wrasse, clown, yellow damsel, blue damsel (I like them) Fire shrimp, and my absolute favorite, a Blue Spotted Jawfish, 75g


Active Member
Originally Posted by Anonome
Are your percula's wild or tank raised. I have 2 tank raised ones that don't even seem interested in my bubble tip!!
Great tank.
Tank raised, funny thing, well not so funny. Originally got 2 clowns and the BTA at the same time, They never once paid any attention to the BTA. Then one of the clowns died, the surviving one won't leave the BTA alone for a second.