finally got my rock up..


Active Member
Looks very nice! Just a suggestion on placement if you don't mind. If you are planning on adding corals you may want to consider a re-stack. You have a lot of steep vertical areas that are going to be hard to fill in with corals. It is your tank so set it up how you like but I can tell you from experience that it is a lot easier to correct now then after you have started adding corals! Good luck!


Great looking rock and tank. I agree though that if you plan on adding coral (probably are) that you'll need to create a more flat surface to place the corals. Or you'll have a shelf effect with two rows for coral placement, top and bottom. Good luck and enjoy!


I tried corals but I only have 110 watts of light and am not ready to throw down more cash on more lights so for now just fish and live rock with feather dusters!! i like feather dusters alot. fish include an eel im not sure what it is, a damsel a lawn mover blenny and a small lionfish. 6 emeral crabs a calico crab an arrow crab and loads of snails