Finally got my water params... what do you think?

My wife managed to pick me up some test kit refills yesterday...
(she's starting to love these guys as much as me, if not more :) )
Here's the params:
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0
Ammonia: .1
Ph (PM): 8.0
Ph (AM): 7.9-8.0
SG: 1.023
Temp: 82
I think my temp may be a little high... Although there are some corals in there as well...
What do you all think?


Active Member
Any ammonia above 0 is not good.
Also I would try to bring the ph up a little to about 8.2
All others look fine to me.

sinner's girl

yep, Kalkwasse may bring up the ph. of course follow the intrustions on the container and test for ph...
our temp is set at 78...69 - 75 seems low to me, but i don't have a reef, not sure if reef like lower temps or not. what did the guy who had the tank keep the temp at?
a wc would bring ammonia down...but me personaly would wait to do a wc..the fish have just been moved....let them chill out before stressing them (ours always get mad when we do a wc) me 1 is not enough to worry about but it can't hurt to keep an eye on it.
glad the move went well for you and the fish
Hey Sinner's Girl,
Thanks... I'm glad too.. It's 3 days after the move, and so far, (finger's crossed) things look good.
In fact, the yellow tang's staring at me type right now.! :)


Active Member
Yes 82 is fine for a majority of the animals we keep in our tanks. There are a few animals available however that do prefer cooler temps. The Catalina Goby for example.
I have ran my FO over four years with temps ranging from 80 - 84 on average.
I have also ran my reef over a year with the average temp from 80 - 82.


82 is fine as far as temp, most of my tanks run right around 80 and my corals all love it. 69 is too low, and most saltwater animals will stress below 72. Remember that most saltwater aquarium species are tropical, and therefor are from oceans that stay warm year-round. Also, a little bit of ammonia will occur, especially after a move like that. .1 is not enough to produce any catastrophic effects. Give it a couple of days to settle down and if it is still high, do a 10% change and see how it goes. If a small spike in your ammonia is all that you got from a move, count yourself lucky.


Active Member
82 is fine... My tank has been living at 84-86 during these hot summer months. My algae is growing a little faster than normal, but that's about it.
Definitely get the ammonia down. A water change will help fix it, but your ammonia is high for a reason. Might just be the new tank (i.e. everything is still ballancing out), or might be something else. My first guess would be overfeeding (number 1 problem with new fish keepers). What, how much, and how often are you feeding?
Kalk will help with your ph, and it probably won't take much... that's good stuff. I used it in my 75 a while back. Follow the instructions and you'll be fine.
I have been feeding them Nutrifin flakes in the morning (7am)... Only what they eat in 2 minutes... and 1/4 - 1/3 of a cube of Formula 2 in the evening (7pm).
Is that too much?
I'll probably to the kalk over the weekend.
So I guess you suggest a water change then? 5%, 10%?