Finally got pics of...


Active Member Giant Hawkfish (Cirrhitus rivulatus). I've had him for almost 2 months, now. We got him in at the store maybe 5 months ago and I didnt expect him to last long...I've never seen a coloration like this.
He never got sold, so I snatched him of charge, of course. He's just a little guy, right now...maybe 7", but they max out at close to 20" and are known to reach 7lb - 8lb in weight.
He's quite the character and is an absolute EATING MACHINE. He'll eat 15 - 20 pieces of Krill and then try to steal fillets of fish from my Morays.
His favorite place to hang out in on top of the powerhead, that's siliconed to the Mag-Float.



That is avery nice specimen. There has been one very similar at the lfs. He has been sold on four different occasions and every time, he gets brought back. Apparently just way too crazy for some people around here. The lfs is asking 30$ for him, but I just don't want to have deal the extreme nature of its personality. Good luck with yours.
He/she is avery good looking fish...


Active Member
He's not shy, I'll tell ya that...and, he's not intimidated by the two 30"+ Morays that are his room mates. The Whitemouth chased him alot, when I first put him in the tank...I thought he was gonna die from a heart attack, the entire first week he was in the tank.
Now, he pisses off the Whitemouth by catching him not paying attention and the Hawkfish will swoop over and try to perch on the Whitemouths head...seriously aggravating the Whitemouth. Then, he'll shoot up to the powerhead (at the top of the tank) and keep watch over the rest of the tank...and the people walking by.
I call him "Fat Lips" Cacciatori.


great looking fish! he looks awfully grumpy lol. is he in with the grouper? and i must say that you do take some great pics


Active Member
Originally Posted by sulley
great looking fish! he looks awfully grumpy lol. is he in with the grouper? and i must say that you do take some great pics
I actually got rid of the Grouper, when all the fish went to the store, while I tore down/drilled/plumbed the 90gal. He just wasnt doing it for me anymore.
Right now, in the 90gal, it's just my Hawaiian Dragon, Whitemouth and the Hawkfish. There wont be any new additions until I move somewhere else and get the 200gal. back up and going. Then, I'm planning on making the 90gal. a Scorpion tank (Rouges, Sailfins and maybe a few species of Dwarf Lions.


Are you sure that is a giant hawkfish? I have seen many and kept a few and they had a very different color pattern, but the faces look the same. I may be wrong but im just curious. This is what mine looked like. Sorry that its a little blurry


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tome
Are you sure that is a giant hawkfish? I have seen many and kept a few and they had a very different color pattern, but the faces look the same. I may be wrong but im just curious. This is what mine looked like. Sorry that its a little blurry

Absolutely positive, it's a Giant.
The face and pectoral fins, on yours, is the exact as mine as well.
Here's another shot I found online...just different coloration.


oh ok, wow, thats a cool looking fish. Hope you enjoy yours, there a great fish, mine learned how to beg for food. lol


Active Member
I just found out from another hobbiest that the correct scientific name of this particular species is Cirrhitus pinnulatus...not Cirrhitus rivulatus, like I had thought.
Still a species of Giant Hawk, but they're also called Stocky's Hawkfish too.