Finally Got Some Courage...


Well i finally got some courage to post some pix. Hope you enjoy and any advice on placement or any other issues you see, please let me know...

wow nice zo's and love that wrasse next to your hairy mush, great pic. wow and your royal granny is out an about, rare nice though. i always see them trying to hide.


Active Member
What is that black box with the slits (last pic, back right corner of the tank at the bottom)? Looks like some kind of intake. Powerhead?


Thanks for the comments!
The Royal Gramma comes out from his cave every once in a while and swims around with the rest of the fish. He has a cave on the far left side in the back and when he was making the cave, he would get a mouth full of rocks, swim half way up the tank, and then spit it out. He gets a little irritated when the wrasse swims by him but for the most part he is a good little fish.
The zoos in the second pic are Triple Red Zoos.
It has an intake on the top right and bottom right. I have the normal powerhead on the top left and i also have a Koralia Nano in the top left and a Koralia 1 in the top right.
More info on the tank...
29 Gallon Stock Biocube
1 True Percula
1 Sixline Wrasse
1 Royal Gramma
3 Green Chromis (Have not caused any major problems so thats why they are still in there)
5 Red Legged Hermits
7 Astrea/Turbos
2 Peppermint Shrimp
3 Emerald Crabs
A 5-Headed Torch Coral, Hairy Mushroom, Neon Green Star Polyps, Triple Red Zoos, Pink Mini Skirt Zoos, Sour Apple Zoos, and Clove Polyps


How do you like your six line wrasse? I love mine! soooo much personality!


I love that little guy. Besides the clown, he is the most active fish in the tank and i love watching him go in and out of the rockwork. Amazing how they never crash into things


Yea! He never knocks anything over and is always more than happy to put on a show for any viewers. On the crashing into things topic though.. leave it up to my snails to bulldoze anything that isnt glued down!


I have a red-legged hermit who stole one of the snail's shells and its way too big for him but he thinks he can squeeze between the smallest gaps and knocks a lot of stuff over. Funny watching him get around though
lookin real sweet i have a biocube also but i added 2 more lamps :). man i want a 6line i like them alot, my hairy mushroom is spliting in a year it split from 1 into 3. hope urs splits looks reall sweet


I love my sixline. My hairy mushroom might actually be splitting now. Its hard to find an extra mouth but i can definitely see a split between the outside of the shroom. Almost looks like a heart (only way i can think of how it looks)