Finally Great News


I have been struggling to get copper out of my tank for the past month or so and finally I did it. I tested today and it came out to be zero. I am going to continuously keep a poly filter in my filter. What can I say, poly filters work miracles.


Active Member
congradulations, i am glad you were able to get it out, copper is not an easy thing to remove, adn if you don't mind my asking, how did you do it, just witha sponge, or did you do other things too, i am sure everyone would like to know how you did it, exactly so that if we ever need it ourselves or someone we know


It was anything but an easy task. First off I did Huge water changes. My tank is 92 gallons and I would do 50 gallon water changes, but before doing the water changes I would stir up all the gravel and rocks. I would do large water changes twice a week, and then smaller ones in between. I was doing about 4 water changes a week. Salt is not cheap when you are using this much of it. They say chelated copper doesnt stick to stuff but I stirred things up just in case. I also used a water conditioner in my tank every other day. I put a poly filter in my filter and replaced it with a new one everytime it turned blue. The poly filter is about the best thing you can do for removing copper. They work miracles. Take it from me though, DO NOT EVER TREAT YOUR MAIN TANK WITH COPPER.