rabid frog
Active Member
Finally im back to being able to qork on my tank... after an ugly divorce and having to give away 50 lbs of live rock and about 20 pounds of live sand I now how the remenace of what used to be my tank set back up. Only this time I took the time to buy a new filter system. Hopefully this pic will come through. The only q I have is will this be sufficient for my 55 reef set up. I have a sump for a 75 a sea clone protein skimmer a rainbow sand filter and a smart light with half blue attanic and half reg.. i guees thats what it is. I plan on havin corals ie leathers and mushrooms, and reef fish like clowns, tangs, crabs and shrimp. Is this set up eff. its a 55 gal btw. <a href="http://photos.yahoo.com/bc/bstrdfrmthesouth" target="_blank">http://photos.yahoo.com/bc/bstrdfrmthesouth</a>