Finally installed my Fuge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


After 2 long weeks of planning and replanning I finaaly installe an above tank Refugium. I can't believe how well it works my Nitrates dropped to 0 PPM. I am using Miracle Mud for the substrate and added some live rock and caulerpa. Also installed an Via Aqua CC25 chiller to keep my temp constsnt 78. I am so happy with my progression into this wonderful hobby!!


The fuge looks great! One comment though. You might want to consider raising the temperature of your tank. According to the article I have linked below. Most reefs that we get our corals from never dip below 80 degreesin the winter. They say that the average reef temp is about 84 degrees. If you keep your aquarium at lower temps it slows down the metabolic rate of the animals. I know I don't keep my tank at 84 but I do keep it about 82. Just something to think about. Check it out.