Finally - Official Stock List - Good selection?


Ok -
Have a stocking list for my new 125 gallon ironed out finally, I want to get some opinions. Can I fit 3 Tangs in there? I would very much like to do and if I cannot well, I won't.
2 Black Perculas
5 Green Chromis
1 Diamond Watchman Goby
1 Yellow Tang
1 Chevron Tang
1 Blackcap Basslet
1 Pygmy Flameblack Angel
1 Sailfin Tang (As 3rd Tang is possible)
Is this doable?
My LR is 90lbs atm I was going to put 90lbs more in but may onle do 1/2 that if I go 3 Tangs.
Please post comments.


Thanks JW.
I was doing some measurements today and I can actually bump to a 150 or 180 Gallon and I thought I couldn't based off the space.
I am moving up to the 150 Gallon without a doubt to gain some more swimming area. If I go up to a 180 am I gonna fit the 3rd Tang in?


Active Member
maybe, but I would not worry about a sailfin or larger tang either
how about maybe anthias or a larger wrasse to compliment instaed?


The Large Wrasses are not reef safe are they? I have good clean-up crew wouldn't wanna lose them.
I have a fish Only tank I am setting up after this is going, was going to put a large wrasse in there.
If I cannot go with a 3rd Tang in a 180, I will go with a 150 to save floor space and just add a Blue Spot Jawfish or mebbe a pair of Filamented Flasher Wrasses -
If that is going to be ok.
Is the extra 25 Gallons of water and extra swimming space from Height on a 150 from 125 gonna allow for those smaller fish to go in without a problem?


Ok thanks...
Just don't wanna overstock this and been researching which fish I want to put in this for so long......
Ok this is it for 150 gallon final list -
3 Filamented Flasher Wrasses (New)
2 Black Percula
1 Chevron Tang
1 Yellow Tang
5 Green Chromis
1 Blackcap Basslet
1 Diamond Watchman Goby
1 Pygmy Flameback Angel
Gonna leave it at that.
I think good color differences and everything besides the Tangs should still stay smaller as the tank grows I think that is good.
Good to go?
Thanks on the advice Fsh and Jw ~


the goby wont do well with the tangs... They are shy enough with small fish, in a tank with large tangs, it may get pestered to death or die or be killed. Tangs tend to be a little aggressive with small guys


Active Member
I like that stock list and think that you won't miss the sailfin. You have a lot of color and behavioral interest there. Larger tangs can just screw things up; I've seen tangs in tanks that size and they just pace back and forth and takes some of the pleasure out of the tank, IMO. I like to have lots of visual interest, and I think you will have that, without just watching the two tangs move back and forth. Yup, glad you skipped the sailfin :)


Diamond Watchman Goby get like 7 inches long I think so fairly big. The one in the display at my LFS is the size of a Hotdog.
I am going to go with the 3 Flasher Wrasses, only problem is where can I get 1 Male , 2 Females online? If anyone knows please email me...


Well....This is just my opinion, I have a 180 and I have 3 Tangs in there, they will outgrow the tank eventually, it wont happen overnight. Just be aware that you will probably need to get rid of them and maybe just replace them with a smaller ones in time. You can pretty much do what you want, just be sensable about it......


Thanks again for replies.
I'm going to go with a Yellow and a Chevron altho I saw somebody on the board with an all Blue Tang, Pacific Blue Tang I think is the name (Not a Regal) and I am debating that inplace of a Chevron if comparable in adult size.
Lucky for me, my fiance is going to let me set-up a 300gal L tank in my office after this is done to make up for her having to have the Yellow Tang in the living room and not my Sailfin :)