Finally, some pics of my tank


I will try to post some larger images later on as soon as I figure out why I tried to post 12 pics and only these show up....
Anyway, your comments are welcomed!


Active Member
Thats an interesting combination of fish. What size is the tank, and what is your filtration setup? Can you get an entire tank shot?


It is a 90 g tank with a 20 g sump (Eheim 600 gph return), an EHEIM professional II filter, 4 powerheads (1000 gph turnover) 150 lbs lr, 80 lbs aragonite sand, prizm skimmer, 3 actinic 2 blue lights arcadia 190 w total.
I am planning a major upgrade in the next few months especially if I am to keep the grouper. The tank pameters are all in check, except phosphates which are .5 and nitrate which never drop below 20-25 ppm, although they do reach 40-50 if I skip a change.
I change weekly 10-15 gallons, and use RO water.


There have been 2 major aquascaping disasters triggered by whom else? the hummu. So I have to re do the rock work, I am thinking of creating one tall peak which will slowly reach the bottom on the opposite side. However i am afraid that the triggers will fight for sleeping quarters if there aren't plenty of spaces at different places.
Any suggestions?


Active Member
Azeritis - Looks sweet - yeah I like the idea of one slope with some open sand area .... also - gorupers like to hang out underneath overhangs!!
Good luck!