finally stocking my tank... opinions on fish+corals


Active Member
im finally gonna start stocking my 36 bowfront with fish and corals. im getting my diy sump built soon and after that im gonna stock my tank. i have a clown and chromis now but i plan on finishing my stocking list over the next few months and i am about to get corals.
have any opinions on fish you like that you think i should add? heres my stocking list:
midas blenny
my clown i already have
a firefish
flame hawk
sixline wrasse
coral beauty
green mandarin (when my tank is real mature)
3 chromis i already have
if this is too much bioload im gonna get rid of the chromis...i'd be nice to keep them. my sump is 20 gallons so it'll add about 10-15 gallons of water to my setup so i can handle more bioload.
i have a 130 watt (65 actinic, 65 10,000K) light over my tank (w/moonlights) and im ready to get some corals. my calcium is good and once my sump is done im ready.

any corals you like that you would recommend to add?
is my light good enough for mushrooms, soft, polyps, and LPS (if i put these guys up high?)??


That stocklist sounds good, but I would keep the firefish in a pair. I would rethink the hawk as they might eat inverts. Other than that, the stocklist looks good! I might get rid of the chromis, too. If you really want to keep them, I would lose the coral beauty as they are a bit hit or miss with eating coral.


Active Member
yeah...the coral beauty is definitely a risk...hopefully i can catch it if it becomes a problem. i heard hawks are 50/50 with shrimp...some eat them right away and some let the shrimp clean inside their mouths. but im willing to risk my shrimp cause the fish looks so cool.
so firefish should be in a pair. i read that they can be aggressive to their species. i would like to get two as juveniles and see what they do though. maybe they will become a mated pair.
thanks for the reply


Active Member
well im not sure if all i want is able to live under that lights i have..but...i would like to have:
a wide variety of polyps
hammer coral
torch coral
many different colors of ricordea
some really colorful mushrooms like green fluorescent
yellow figi leather
basically anything with bright color...i really like ricordeas and LSPs.
i want my tank to be a mini version of this tank in this pic


Well-Known Member
LOL... I want my tank to be a version of that one too!
What kind of lights do you have?


Active Member
i have a 130 watt (65 actinic, 65 10,000K) w/ moonlights. its over a 36 gallon bowfront. i know LPS corals need alot of light which is why i am wondering if they will do ok in my tank. if i place them at the top they would get the most light but i dont know if thats enough still.
lol and about that pic... i meant how colorful it was. i doubt i can aquascape corals they way that person did. they did an amazing job..i wish i could do that.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by gio28
i have a 130 watt (65 actinic, 65 10,000K) w/ moonlights. its over a 36 gallon bowfront. i know LPS corals need alot of light which is why i am wondering if they will do ok in my tank. if i place them at the top they would get the most light but i dont know if thats enough still.
lol and about that pic... i meant how colorful it was. i doubt i can aquascape corals they way that person did. they did an amazing job..i wish i could do that.
LPS corals will be fine at the top. SPS I don't THINK (no expert) would be alright.
There are lots of really beautiful colored corals that don't like light much at all. When I had PC lights, I got those for the bottom...I had overhangs and caves.
Here is a picture of a red chili I had in my 55g and later transferred to my 75g


Active Member
so just to be clear...with the lights i have i could have mushrooms, softies, polyps, and LPS (if i put them at the top?). im not really into SPS anyways so i can go without them. all other corals i like though.


Active Member
Thats a lot of fish for such a small tank.
I would not risk a mandrine in such a small tank as thier main diet is pods, and a lot of them everyday.


Active Member
yeah i've been researching mardarins like crazy. im planning on having a pretty big fuge and waiting at least a year for it to be full of pods. and i'd keep buying pods to replenish the supply/pop of them in the fuge. im not sure if i want one yet though. its last on my list.


Ten fish is too many for a 36 gallon. I would go with five max. Mandarins eat hudreds of copepods a day. I know you said you would supply them but giving a 20 something dollar bag of copepods a week could pay for a bigger tank in the long run. So if your going to pay for them every week why not just get a bigger tank? Last, go for the more peaceful fish in such a small tank. Hope this helps.


Active Member
im taking out my chromis when i move my tank onto an aquarium stand and bringing them back to my lfs. im also probably not gonna get the mandarin cause of what everyone has suggested and what i have been researching.
so i would like to have:
a clown
a firefish
a flame hawk
a sixline wrasse
a midas blenny
a coral beauty (hit or miss w/ corals)
this is probably as much as my 36 will hold..but i do have to extra 10-15 gallons my sump will provide for the bioload.
i would love to have a bigger tank...i wish i could get one but im 15 and parents said a 36 is the limit so i have to listen to them lol.
thanks for the reply. it helped.
the only question is have is about my light for corals...i have a 130 watt (65 actinic, 65 10,000K) w/moonlights. is this enough for a 20" deep 36 gallon tank. i would like to have everything but SPS. if i were to go from bottom to top of the tank to position the corals accordingly (LPS being at the very top) would my light suffice?


you keep saying 130 watt, im assuming they are power compacts? cause that can make a difference if they are T5's or compacts


Active Member
Originally Posted by gio28
i would love to have a bigger tank...i wish i could get one but im 15 and parents said a 36 is the limit so i have to listen to them lol.
My parents said the same thing but I couldn't upgrade from an 84, luckly my parents are amazing and bought me a 135 for a gift.
I think you have alot of fish for that small of a tank. Try thinking about what their swimming status is to decied if you think you have to much.


New Member
Originally Posted by CedarReef
That stocklist sounds good, but I would keep the firefish in a pair. I would rethink the hawk as they might eat inverts. Other than that, the stocklist looks good! I might get rid of the chromis, too. If you really want to keep them, I would lose the coral beauty as they are a bit hit or miss with eating coral.
agreed 1000% firefish do better 2+ or more


Originally Posted by gio28
i would love to have a bigger tank...i wish i could get one but im 15 and parents said a 36 is the limit so i have to listen to them lol.
I am not saying to get a bigger tank but, just that buying a bag of copepods every week would pay for a bigger tank if you saved that money up. Thats all.


Active Member
im planning on having 5-6 fish in my tank. and are really lucky lol.
so the fish i really want are:
a clarkii clown
a midas blenny
a coral beauty
a flame hawk
a sixline wrasse
2 firefish
these are alot of fish and i probably cant have all of them so i'll have to just pick 5-6 favorites. im questioning the sixline cause they can be jerks from what i've heard. i'd also like to try keeping two firefish. i'll come to a decision sooner or later.
and i know what you meant life reefer lol.
i keep on asking this question but i would really like an answer or an opinion on this:
could i keep mushrooms, softies, polyps, and LPS if i put them in the right spot in my tank? i have a PC fixture (65 actinic, 65 10,000K) so 130 watts total. the LPS are what im concerned about but i thought if i put them high enough they would be ok.