Finally tank is ready


I have been researching on this site for pretty long time about 5 months. Now tank is done.....

But still working on it to solve the problem.. bubbles from filter and protein skimmer...
Here the picture



THe rock is not coming. I was ordered but site only have 13 lbs so they will ordred more for me, I hopefully that rocks will be coming this tues or wed.
There are two bulbs are not present because LFS doesn't have what I want. I will order from reef geel this week. need Aquablue and super Actinic.
Right now I am process to cycle the tank.
Right now what I have.
OceanPure salt
Indio-pacific sands
13.5 fiji rocks, 25 is on the way.
Emperor 280. will transfer to Sumps, I have to figure it out what the size of sump. Should be ready few weeks
Super Skimmer 65
T-5 HO



Originally Posted by fanker
are the lights vho's or t-5s?

Its T-5 HO, retro kits, Right now there are 6500k and actinics


Active Member
i would put som incividual reflectors in there u will double the light and they are much needed, icecap has them


Originally Posted by fanker
i would put som incividual reflectors in there u will double the light and they are much needed, icecap has them
THere are reflector in the canopy, I took a picture to run a test with lights to running properly then put reflectors in.


Originally Posted by fanker
ok sweet, is it a tek retro or icecap?
They are tek retro, 4x54 watts. right now running two bulbs because they doesn't have two what I need. wait for this week. Two bulbs really bright if add two mores will look so so brighter