Finally upgraded our lights, and now the clown fish is acting wierd...


Finally upgraded our lights, and now the clown fish is acting wierd...
I bought a PC light 48 inches long. its 190 watts. Everytime i turn it on, the clownfish runs and hides under some LR. if i turn the light off, he comes back out. Is there a way that you are supposed to somewhat acclimate your fish when you upgrade the lighting?
the other fish in the tank are reacting well to the light, in fact, the chromis seem to be more active now. they swim faster but still stay in a group of 4. the damslefish showed no changes with the new lights and the diamond goby still acts the same.
Also i want to ask you guys what temperatuse is a good temp to set your tank at. When i got the tank it was set at 79. so i left it alone. is that too high?
I am having trouble finding "zoe con" at my LFS. No one knows what i am talking about. please help. thank you!!!!
Charlie & Kara


Do you all have an anemone for your clownfish? Ours didn't like our new lights either and would do all sorts of crazy things until we got him one. I do think your 190 watts for an anemone is a little low, though.
Our tank usually starts off at 78 degrees in the morning and usually ends up around 80 by the end of the day. Our tank has even gotten to 84 degrees and everything seemed fine even though I was freaked out and putting ice in my sump like a crazy person! :scared:
I've never heard of zoe-con, either, but I buy selcon at my lfs. It's some sort of food booster. I wonder if they're the same thing? Anyone know?
I just noticed that you all are from El Paso. I was born and raised there and moved away in '97. What a small world! :yes:


Active Member
The tank should be acclimated to the new lighting... and your clown will be fine. Just give him a few days.
79deg is fine... mine runs 81-82.
Zoecon can be found at many on-line suppliers.


Hey high five for you for getting the hell out of el paso!!!! I recently joined the army and am waiting to leave!
It is a small world.
BTW, the new lights i bought are 190w, i still have my old lights on there as well. they add an extra 30 watts. that makes a total of 220watts - is that enought to keep an anemone?



We bought our anemone a few weeks ago and it was doing fine under our lights which are 220w as well. My lfs told me that would be enough for my BTA, but we went ahead and bought a MH light since some of our coral shouldn't have been under the 220s to begin with. I run the PC lights during the day while I'm at work (11 am - 4 pm) and then I run my MH from 4 pm to around 8 or 9 pm. I haven't noticed much difference in my anemone, but some of my coral is looking much better under the new lights. :jumping:
I'm glad you said that about El Paso! I still have family there, but as soon as my husband and I had kids, we moved as fast as we could! You aren't stationed at Ft. Bliss, are you?



Originally Posted by CharlieD
BTW, the new lights i bought are 190w, i still have my old lights on there as well. they add an extra 30 watts. that makes a total of 220watts - is that enought to keep an anemone?

If your tank is no bigger than 55 gal, it is borderline for condys and most BTAs. Not nearly enough for carpets and others.