

New Member
Hey all. This is my first time posting on this site, but I have have been keeping up with almost all of the posts on these boards for a year now. I started my first saltwater aquarium almost a year ago after almost another year of researching. Right now, I have a 150 gallon fowler tank with about 200 pounds of live rock. All the readings are perfect and the only problem I've had with the tank so far is with temperature fluctuation because it is on an outside wall. So far this has not been a problem.
About two weeks ago, I purchased a very healthy 5" volitan lionfish. I drip acclimated him for about an hour and a half and it seemed liked he acclimated well to the new tank. I waited a couple of days and tried to feed him frozen silversides. He completely ignored them. I tried a day later with freeze-dried mysis shrimp. Once again, he pretended like the food wasn't even there. That was when I began to worry. Over the next couple of days, I tried everything but he continued not to eat. I grudgingly fed him 2 guppies which he gobbled up with enthusiasm. I tried the silversides a few days latter and he didn't even look twice at them. After reading some posts from different people on this site, I decided to try and soak some krill in garlic instead of introducing more guppies into the tank. Tonight I tried the garlic- soaked krill and he immediately attacked them! I am extremely glad he ate tonight because I was beginning to think something was either wrong with him, or with the tank. I am very happy to finally be able to get him to eat. I'm hoping to begin adding more fish to the tank in the next couple of weeks. With luck, I'll be able to post some pics within the next few days


Active Member
Welcome to the boards, glad to hear your lion is eating. Now that he is accepting krill, he should begin to eat other tings as well, try to keep as much variety in the diet as you can, and be careful to not to overfeed.
Any pics?


Active Member
Originally Posted by gldnaggressor3
Hey all. This is my first time posting on this site, but I have have been keeping up with almost all of the posts on these boards for a year now. I started my first saltwater aquarium almost a year ago after almost another year of researching. Right now, I have a 150 gallon fowler tank with about 200 pounds of live rock. All the readings are perfect and the only problem I've had with the tank so far is with temperature fluctuation because it is on an outside wall. So far this has not been a problem.
About two weeks ago, I purchased a very healthy 5" volitan lionfish. I drip acclimated him for about an hour and a half and it seemed liked he acclimated well to the new tank. I waited a couple of days and tried to feed him frozen silversides. He completely ignored them. I tried a day later with freeze-dried mysis shrimp. Once again, he pretended like the food wasn't even there. That was when I began to worry. Over the next couple of days, I tried everything but he continued not to eat. I grudgingly fed him 2 guppies which he gobbled up with enthusiasm. I tried the silversides a few days latter and he didn't even look twice at them. After reading some posts from different people on this site, I decided to try and soak some krill in garlic instead of introducing more guppies into the tank. Tonight I tried the garlic- soaked krill and he immediately attacked them! I am extremely glad he ate tonight because I was beginning to think something was either wrong with him, or with the tank. I am very happy to finally be able to get him to eat. I'm hoping to begin adding more fish to the tank in the next couple of weeks. With luck, I'll be able to post some pics within the next few days

Congrats on getting him to eat. Volitans and other lions tend to be picky eaters. That's why it's always best to see them eat at the LFS before purchasing. If you bought him online, this is impossible to do. You have a lot of options with a 150. A Porcupine puffer, tangs, wrasses, and triggers are some other semi-aggressive fish that will go along with you lion. Be careful with the smaller non-agressive fishes. I'm sure you know the rule that a Volitan will eat anything that is small enough to fit in its mouth.

el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
You have a lot of options with a 150. A Porcupine puffer, tangs, wrasses, and triggers are some other semi-aggressive fish that will go along with you lion.
I would stay away from triggers . They are known to nip at lion fish fins and its just not worth the risk , at least in my opinion .


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Congrats on getting him to eat. Volitans and other lions tend to be picky eaters. That's why it's always best to see them eat at the LFS before purchasing. If you bought him online, this is impossible to do. You have a lot of options with a 150. A Porcupine puffer, tangs, wrasses, and triggers are some other semi-aggressive fish that will go along with you lion. Be careful with the smaller non-agressive fishes. I'm sure you know the rule that a Volitan will eat anything that is small enough to fit in its mouth.

Originally Posted by EL GUAPO

I would stay away from triggers . They are known to nip at lion fish fins and its just not worth the risk , at least in my opinion .
Or puffers in general or wrasses. The only puffer I would recommend is the Spiny Burrfish, as they lack the aggressive nature of the porcupine, but have a fast enough growth rate and get large enough to avoid being eaten, unlike a dwarf puffer.
Most of the large wrasses, especically the common Lunare and Sunset wrasses get too large/too active for a 150gal. I have recommended this fish numerous times before, but a Cuban Hogfish would fit very nicely in that tank.
There are only two triggers I would recommend, the Sargassum and Blue Jaw triggers. The Crosshatch gets too large/already comes in too large for a 150gal IMO.

el guapo

Active Member
You can purchase liquid garlic at any Natural market .
You can also purchase cretin vitamin additives at the LFS