Finaly I got em to....

Finaly I got my damsels to eat! I bought some baby brine shrimp and reg. brine shrimp from my local petsmart and they love the baby but not so mutch the reg. brine but what else should i feed em? The resaon I ask this is because brine shrimp alone isn't a good diet for em.


Just feed them the brine until you can get them to eat other foods. Try some Formula One, I've heard it is really good.
why wont they eat the reg. brine?? 1 of em ate 1 little brine but that was it was it because i gave them a cube of baby brine? and if so the cube was only this big [__](but square)so after 2 hours i took the leftoverr brine out and trashed it


I had a similar problem with my damsels not eating until last night. The food would sink right past em and they started eating it.I feed em'O.S.I marine flake food and they love it.Just be patient as I am and they'll eat. ;)


I had a similar problem with my damsels not eating until last night. The food would sink right past em and they started eating it.I feed em'O.S.I marine flake food and they love it.Just be patient as I am and they'll eat. ;)

sinner's girl

try mixing the foods. take the brine they will eat, add a little bit of what they won't eat...this way they may get a taste of the new could try add garlic or formula one. give them time...
(what's the diff b/w reg and baby? never heard of that...)
why isn' brine shirmp alone good enough for damsels? that's all ours ever got. what else do they need in their diet?
the resaon why it's not a good diet is because there's no vitamins in it or any thing but i'm just going off of what the LFS siad but i don't belive them but i read the baby brine package and it has vitamins in with it so i don't have to worry about it any more but thanx guys for the replys and i'll try the kinds of foods as well


My damsel eats everything---frozen brine, marine flake---honestly he is the samllest and eats the most(never ending belly)
Just please be patient, in good time it will all work out. I have only done this since Feb, and I know its hard to be patient. Just keep looking at posts and you'll get answers to things u never thought about asking.