Finding Nemo


Can anyone tell me what fish and inverts are in the tank in the Finding Nemo movie and what size tank would it take to house all of these fish and inverts. For those of you who have seen the movie... wouldn't it be nice to have a filter that really scanned the water and told you all the parameters and temp!!!

sinner's girl

The is guy who has most of them, there are at least two threads that cover it. One list each fish/invert and the requirements.
I think we all want that filter...


Active Member
It would take approximately a 300g reef tank to keep all of those fish and invertebrates. SW65galma has a thread going on it.


Active Member
300 g reef tank to keep the stuff that was in the doctors office tank? Only inverts was the sea star and the cleaner shrimp, morish idol, puffer, clown, basslet, wasnt one a striped damsel?... throw in some rainbow colored gravel, a few fake plants... a volcano... you'd need a good sized tank to actually keep them alive sure... but not a 300 gallon tank.. and it doesnt need to be a reef.


Active Member
Speg, "Gill" was a moorish idol in the movie. You need 300 gallons for him alone.


Active Member
Says who? 300 gallon tank and they still die. They do get big.. but in finding nemo gill was very small.


finding nemo was a cartoon for little kids. moorish idols needs a ton of space to swim and hide, and it is true that they might die anyway, but the least we can do is try to provide it with acceptable living acomodation to promote its survival.
btw, real fish will not roll in bags to escape!!! clownfishes will not travel hundreds of miles for their offsprings, and would probably die if they ever enter such a dirty water as they had shown in sydney.


Active Member
Originally Posted by annanymous
btw, real fish will not roll in bags to escape!!! clownfishes will not travel hundreds of miles for their offsprings, and would probably die if they ever enter such a dirty water as they had shown in sydney.

I cant believe you didnt write the most important thing in there... 'fish cant talk'.. and if they can.. please call this number 1-800-ineedhelp or visit


in the wild they grow till about 7", but on average they will get to 4" in home aquariums, and they need at least 125 to give them some space to swim. but to make them happy they need close to double if not more of the size of the tank. since they are so hard to keep, i dont think anyone should try to place a moorish idol [which is basicly doomed anyway] in a 125g tank, the happier he is, the sooner [hopefully] he will start eating.
they might not need 300g, like you say, but a 200g at least is a must, with an upgrade in the near future IMO


"The Moorish Idol is also commonly known in Hawaii as "Kihikihi" which means "curves," "corners," or "zigzags," and refers to its shape and color pattern. It is the only member of the family Zanclidae, and a very close relative of the Tangs or Surgeonfish. One of the most widespread fish, it can be found throughout the Indian Ocean, Red Sea, and all of the tropical Pacific. Wild specimens can attain a length of 7 inches, but 4 inches is more likely in the aquarium.
The Moorish Idol tends to be very peaceful. Due to its size, schooling nature, and need for swimming space, it requires a large aquarium of at least 125 gallons. As its beauty is most evident while swimming, giving it adequate room is well rewarded. It is compatible with most fish and larger invertebrates, but should not be kept with any polyps or corals, which it will eat. Small invertebrates may be threatened as well. "
this is a quote from [Link violation - out of respect to the owner and operator of this site, please do not post links to competitors, thanks! h* ]


Active Member
Yeah I just visited their site. I was at my lfs about 2 months ago and they were selling a moorish idol that they had just got in, was missing a lot of its top fin.. but the thing was huge. Its hard to measure fish in a plastic bag.. but i'd have to say its was much larger than 7 inches.
I am not saying that all morish idols HAVE to be bigger than 7.. im just saying that this one was big :) :happy:


Active Member
The point is that it was a cartoon movie. In the real world the odds of having that tank are pretty low. If you have a large reef tank, IMO still in the 200-300g range, then you might stand a better chance with a moorish idol.
If you will forget about Gil and go with a heniochus or something, well that knocks the size down dramatically unless we want to get into some sort of debate on just what kind of seastar they had in the movie. I'm still thinking it is supposed to be a Fromia, Tosia or Pentagonaster and so that still means a tank over 100g IMO
especially if you want Dori in there just because. If you want to risk starving "peaches" or whatever the name of that star was, or will settle for a chocolate chip...why then we're down to a 75g tank or so.


thats is ofcourse unless the cool dude turtle will also be included.

i think its easier to go and snorkl or scuba dive for a while, rather then trying to recrate the movie at home :happyfish


Active Member
And the sharks...don't forget the sharks. So realistically I'm thinking 100,000+ gallons. Yup.


you're right, i almost forgot the sharks [btw that was the funniest thing they were doing in those sessions] :hilarious


look, just get a longfin bannerfish to replace Gill, almost couldent tell the diffrence and they will do ok in a 75 gal.