Fine White Dots? Cloudy Water


Hello All,
It has been about a week now. and my tank looks like it has alot of tiny tiny white dots in it, making the water apear to be cloudy. Is this normal? Anything i should do to clear it up? I have a 20g tank with about 20lb of lr and 20lb of ls and a skilter 250 for filer. no outside bio filter. 2 power heads to keep a good current. Again the water isnt cloudy if your fixed on one item, but if you glance through the tank it appears to be cloudy. any ideas?


Just so their is no confusion. my tank isnt a week old. it is about 5 weeks old. and these white dots have been around for about a week now.


Are these dots floating or attached to the glass? If floating, possible that the dot are small air bubbles generated from the powerheads pulling in small ammounts of air. I had what seems to be what you are discribing. Turned out that I was pulling a small amount in air from my sump. Increased the level water level in the sump and problem disappeared within a day.