finished cycling!stock question

My 29 gallon biocube finished cycling. It's been up and running for a month. Now it's time to start stocking. I know a lot of people get inverts first, but I don't have any algae for them to eat. So, what should I put in first? I want to get two clowns, a wrasse, and a goby. Any suggestions on what kind of goby? Could I buy one clown and a coral frag (i.e. a zoo or mushroom) to start and then get a clean up crew a couple of weeks later? Also, a lot of people do water changes after their tank finished cycling. Now that my tank is done cycling, how much should I change? Is it really necessary if my ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels are at zero?

shrimpy brains

Did you cycle with live rock?? If so, there is algae in there. I still recommend you start with a couple of snails and or hermit crabs. I know it's frustrating to stare at an empty tank
and you want to see some life in there, but it won't be too much longer. Get your cuc, see how they do, and if all is good, get a fish next week.