Finnex M-Tank


I recently purchased a 32 gallon Finnex M-Tank that has a built in wet/dry filter chamber. This chamber has two holes drilled in the bottom of the chamber into the main tank. The manufacturer is telling me that this is to allow a minimum water level in the filter chamber. Howevr, the water pressure in the main tank is causing the the filter chamber to flood. DOes anyone else have this tank or know a solution??


you need a more powerful return pump
also , if there is a ball valve, you can shut it half way...but go with a more powerful return pump


I thought that the pump might not be working correctly so the manufacturer sent me another and I'm still having the same problem. The pump is suppose to be pumping at 342 GPH. It looks like it is pumping water at the rate of a slow faucet.


ok answer this...the "drain" comes from the bottom of the tank, into a filter...then overflows into a sump, where the 342gph returns to the top of the tank? Correct? If so how many feet up does it have to travel before returned into the tank from the pump. personally i dont think 342 will cut it, you probably need something like 600-800...I did the plumbing on my 180...i have 2 drains (3/4"), they travel to a "T" where it slows it down, then goes into the refugium and the other goes to an ocean clear filter...anyways, the return has to travel 4ft back into the tank, i am running point is, if you can imagine the size difference you might contemplate on getting a stronger pump.


Originally Posted by Geoffer
Any thoughts on just plugging up the hole from the main tank into the filter chamber?
I am sure you could get some pvc fittings to close off the hole. Are you saying, doing this so you wont have a drain for the filter?


Problem solved. The pvc piping had not been punched all the way through at the bend causing the water to just trickle out. Thanks for your thoughts.