Fire Coral


I bought a orange fire coral a few months back not really knowing what it was (nor did the store)anyway i read most of the info i could find on it (determing it was a fire coral)
Now since this was added to the tank i have lost 2 coral banded shimps and it would apear a large serpant star that i have not seen in a week or so.could these deaths be related to the fire coral?
seems all my other creatures stayway from it including snails

bang guy

The Fire Coral is actually a Hydroid. It has a painful sting but rarely causes permanent harm for our animals. Most animals quickly learn to avoid it. I strongly douby it is responsible for something as tough as a Coral Banded Shrimp.


ya i take great care not to touch it.altho i'm pretty sure i did when i first got it.atleast i did not find out the hard way what it was.


not fun to get stung by them! I was at a scuba diving trip in aruba and came upon a sunken boat that had fire coral all over it!Well the tour guide said that "do not touch the fire coral on the boat it will sting you very bad".Well do you think i would believe a dumb tour guide???NO!.And so i touch the fire coral,and then......................
!!!!!I will always believe the tour guides from now on!