fire fish


can you guys tell me something about the fire fish? i want to know about it before i run off and buy one.
and how long does it takee to get copods in your tank? (im not sure how to spell it) My tank is 4 months old
I got a firefish for my 75g tank about 15 months ago. I love him to death. He has built a home in the live rock and darts in and out all day long. He's really not as shy as I thought he'd be. He readily comes out at feeding time and joins the fray. He also eats everything I offer to him. Been an excellent fish for me.
I'm even looking at getting a purple firefish to go along with him. Anyone try that? I wasn't sure if they'd fight or not? :confused:


i have two fire fish and they do everything together , they are a little shy but for the most part they are good fish. I would highly reccomend them.


firefish is one of the hardiest fish I've ever had. He eats a lot, but won't eat any thing from the top of the tank. He is a mid to low water swimmer.


I have both types of fire fish, and no compatibility problems. They will readily take most any food given them.


I ended up with one when my tank wasnt even finished its cycle, and the guy lives even today.
SO they MUST be hardy, lol