Fire RedShrimp is MIA


I have 2 fire red shrimp, 1 cleaner shrimp several hermit crabs and 2 scarlet crabs.2 percs 2 firefish gobys amda lmb. When I feed my fish both fire red shrimp came out to eat. For the past 2 weeks I've only seen 1 fire red shimp. My question is could it have died and something ate it? I look all through my lr and can't even find the body.


it could still be there. i lost my peppermint for about 2 months no sign,no nuttin, then just yesterday poof there it was.


When they molt, they hide very well until their new shell hardens. Are your calcium levels up to par? If they do not have enough to harden their shell, they will be vulnerable to other tank mates. When they are molting, they are very vulnerable also. It still may come out. They really hide in tight crevices so shifting of rock can trap them. They are expensive so I hope you find it. If you get another, get one much smaller than the one that has survived. They will get along.


Are you sure it was not just the shell? I thought mine had been eaten when I ws very new at this, and indeed one had just left its shell to blow around in the tank, and it looked exactly like the shrimp. Was there flesh inside the shell? Of course during the process of molting, it may not have been able to hide well enough, and been eaten. They need really tight crevices in which to hide during that time. It takes a few hours for the new shell to harden before it is safe for them to come out of their hiding place. If calcium levels were not up to par, the new shell can not harden, but you know that.