Fire Shrimp Molt

My fire shrimp justed molted, which scared me more this time than last time-My question is should i keep it in thetank or take it out? Thanks!


You'll probably get a bunch of different answers... some say it's a good calcium source, others say it's ugly, yadda yadda yadda. I personally don't bother taking molts out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oldandtired
I trust you are adding iodine. Just a friendly reminder...
Never add anything you aren't testing for.
Normal, acceptable levels of iodine should be achieved if you are performing normal water changes.
I don't care what you do with the molt, but I will tell you this:
Keep track of when the shrimp molts on some type of calendar. They are fairly regular, and it can tell you whether something is out of balance.
Originally Posted by gmann1139
Never add anything you aren't testing for.
Normal, acceptable levels of iodine should be achieved if you are performing normal water changes.
I don't care what you do with the molt, but I will tell you this:
Keep track of when the shrimp molts on some type of calendar. They are fairly regular, and it can tell you whether something is out of balance.
Intresting. Thank you.