Fire Shrimp Question


New Member
My 72 gal tank has been up and running for over a year. I still have my first occupant, a BCS. I have 6 peppermint shrimp, 3 camel shrimp, 2 monkey shrimp, lots of hermits and emerald crabs. I have now had 4 fire shrimp and none have lasted more than a month. Has anyone had any success of failures with these beutiful shrimp. I think they are be far the most interesting inverterbrate but what gives?


my 1st 2 didnt last more than 2 weeks but i just had 1 die that had been in my tank for like 8 months. He was great and would clean my tang and basselet. He was doing great but i did a water change and added some lr apparently on the day he molted. My clown started picking on himm and he died the next day. It was weird because my nitrates have been really high for a while and he was fine . I just got the nitrates to like 15 and he died on me.

big fish

I have had mine for well over a year he started off in my little 10 gallon nano and some how made threw my tank crashing and he is now in my 90gal. He is a great shrimp and fun to watch when its time to eat.


New Member
I have had my 2 for over 2 years now. The fish even stage for the shrimp to clean them. I do hand feed both of them once a week. silversides.