Fire shrimp sick/dying/ no idea whats wrong


As of 3 hours ago, my 2 fire shrimp were upright and healthy but in the last two hours they have fallen over, cant get up and twitch, they are still alive and struggling to stand. the parmaeters are: 8.2ph, 0 ammonia and nitrite, salinity 1.024. All other inhabitance are fine including 2 anomees which I figure would have gone bad first if the water was bad. If it helps, about 30 minutes before the shrimp collapsed, one would have sudden spazams and end up 6 inches off the substrate but would land safely.


yeah, they were in there for a week but last night they expired, but before and after they died, their entire shell began to seperate at joints on the back and tail, under that was their insides, what was that all about?