Fire Shrimp


New Member
My fire shrimp is roughly 2 months old. He has molted 4 times already and this morning I wake up to a dead skrimp. I removed him from the tank and he had a really rotten smell to him. As of this morning my CA=460 >> KH=12 >> PO=0 >> NO=20 >> PH=8.0 >> Ammonia=0.5 >>and the SG was a little high around 1.0225 and I added water to level it down to 1.022. He has been doing good, but the only thing that has changed was the Pearl Tang, 5 peppermint shrimp, 5 shaving brush plants, 4 cleaner clams, 30+ assorted Polyps, 10 Nasarius snails, 10 Astrel/Turbo Snails, 400 Copepods, and a Flame Cardinal. So far he has gotten along great with everything, so I am wondering if anyone has had something along the same situation.
Any help greatly appreciated!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by dalee26
SG was a little high around 1.0225 and I added water to level it down to 1.025.
1.0225 down to 1.025? typo? what what is before 1.025?
Originally Posted by dalee26

but the only thing that has changed was the Pearl Tang, 5 peppermint shrimp, 5 shaving brush plants, 4 cleaner clams, 30+ assorted Polyps, 10 Nasarius snails, 10 Astrel/Turbo Snails, 400 Copepods, and a Flame Cardinal.
Only thing that changed??? That was a bit of change, eh?
When they molt - could be from different reasons, one being stress. So if it has molted 4x in 2mos - he probably was stressed, I would say.
I do love flames though - great color.