Fire Shrimp


I have heard that Fire shrimp hide more than they come out and show there beauty. Is this true? Also what type of shrimp likes to come out the most and show its color?
Thanks <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


Without a doubt, Cleaner shrimp. They do little dances and show-off half of the day. Coral Banded shrimp stay at the front but usually upside down under a ledge. My Peppermint shrimp comes out every few days for awhile.


My fire shrimp does stay in a cavern in my rocks and usually comes out only at feeding time, but I have only had him for a week. He is beautiful, but I got him because my Tang had ich (all better now). My CBS on the other hand, is always out and about, he's quite a character and was the hit of my super bowl party - until Vinnie kicked that field goal . . . :D

nyy fan

Are any of these shrimp harder to take care of than others? Say CBS vs. fire vs. peppermit?
Also, is it OK to have a mixture of these guys? Will they get along with each other?


my fire shrimp does not like my cleaner. anytime the cleaner gets close, the fire shrimp get's into his "battle" stance. Sounds strange but he really let my volitian have it one morning when he got to close. I actually see my fire shrimp 90% of the time. he's almost 4 inches!!!!

slk's reef

I have a fire shrimp and it will come out when I feed my fish.It trys to get food.I also say that the cleaner shrimp is a colorful and will b pot more than a fire shrimp. :D


Active Member
I have 2 cleaner shrimp who are always playing around. 3 weeks ago added a fire shrimp and he shed his exoskelton and hid for a few days and now he comes out a lot and hangs with the cleaner shrimp. He's even started cleaning the tang Between the three of them the tang sure stays clean. :D