Fire Urchin (Asthenosoma varium)


New Member

Has anyone seen these around in the hobby? They look very intriguing to me, and I was wondering if anyone knows about them. If they are reef safe, I was thinking about acquiring one (how that would be done is a mystery to me as well).
I've read that they are venomous. Is this why they are not commonly kept, (i.e., the same reasons as the Blue-Ringed Octopus) or are they simply rare?
Any information would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
I hope you never see them.
These are not urchins that are venemous if the spines break off. They, like all urchins, have pedicellariae which keep things from settling on them. These are like tiny biting jaws...but in this case, they have one heck of a potent venom. You most likely WILL be "bitten" if you touch this species, and there have been known human fatalities from it.
I should hope it never appears in the hobby.
I would never keep one in a tank.
As for being reef safe, most urchins pose some, however minimal, risk of eating soft corals. Some are worse than others.


New Member
Well, that settles it then. I don't have any soft corals, but that's a minimal issue if the urchin's that dangerous.