firefish and gramma


Active Member
anyone ever kept a purple firefish and a toyal gramma in the same tank??
jsut wondering if they would be a problem together. Thinking of getting a rg but already have a purple firefish in the tank.


Active Member
kewl, thanks for the input
we were hoping we could get the 2 of them. But was affraid of the rg being too aggressive with the purple ff.


thinking of adding a gramma to my tank with a red firefish.
does the gramma just hover in one spot like the firefish. to me, the firefish is a little boring. would rather have a fish that swims around a lot.


Active Member
my RG makes his way around the tank. Has his preferred areas but much more active than my ff. I have them in separate tanks. I know RGs are supposed to be assertive but mine has always taken the back seat to the new guys. Must have got a shy one!